How piracy is miss interpreted in the world of the internet.

4 min readApr 1, 2021


Here I shall discuss piracy ,what it really is , its significance and open access. We will also talk about pirate bay and its history and also the internet achieves. Well piracy isn't good and pirate bay isn't 100% clean, there us a problem which will be discussed as well .

What is Piracy

Piracy is defined currently in the world of the internet as

“the unauthorized use or reproduction of another’s work”

Well this definition has few problems .Piracy is a word bound to pirates, now a pirate ship roaming in 7 seas would capture your goods and later sell them for profit. In the same way the real piracy in the internet is

If someone makes profit out of someone's intellectual property without the owners permission

Many would either support or discourage this idea because sometimes a customer could be lost due to piracy .

Piracy on the other hand gave rise to involuntary internet archive. The importance and significance of this is that these archives are normally not made for profit and in these archives we find many games ,films and music long forgotten and lost if not for the archives.


Companies have come to put paywalls in front information such as research and court cases,piracy has being since one of the illegal solution to battle this unethical law.

Games ,movies , books and music can die with time and there is nothing wrong with having an online library where you can borrow a copy of a file from a torrent.The files in the internet arent physical, unless used in unethical ways to assume profit ,the legally defined piracy is not unethical.It is like we are to ban all the libraries in the world.

Piracy was one of the problems that gave birth to copyright laws and intellectual property acts.And a issue miss interpreted by most

The Rise of the Pirate bureau And age of the free internet.

The Pirate Bay was established in September 2003 by the Swedish anti-copyright organisation Piratbyran (The Piracy Bureau).

The Pirate Bay was first run by Gottfrid Svartholm and Fredrik Neij, who are known by their nicknames “anakata” and “TiAMO”, respectively. They have both been accused of “assisting in making copyrighted content available” by the Motion Picture Association of America. On 31 May 2006, the website’s servers in Stockholm were raided and taken away by Swedish police, leading to three days of downtime.[11]-Wikipedia Extract

The idea was to use the torrent technology to let the users download data. The torrent file would act as the guide request the data needed to complete a file.

It is also interesting that a rigth wing party funded this movement namely by Lundström which was acknowledged by a Piratbyran spokes man. The founders were sentenced to be locked in a cell till 2015.(Don't we treat the greatest minds of our time in the greatest way possible).

The 2014 December Raid, resulted in seizure of one of many pirate bay servers. This resulted in Anonymous leaking email logs of the Swedish government. The founders of pirate bay did mention that they were not happy about the new ads .

On 9 December 2014, police in Stockholm raided the company’s premises and seized servers and other computers and equipment, which resulted in the website going offline. The raid was in response to a complaint from Rights Alliance, a Swedish anti-piracy group.[6] The Pirate Bay was one of many peer-to-peer and torrent-related websites and apps that went down.[27][28][29][30][31] One member of the crew was arrested. TorrentFreak reported that most other torrent sites reported a 5–10% increase in traffic from the displaced users,[224] though the shutdown had little effect on overall piracy levels.[225][226] In retaliation to the raid, a group of hackers claiming to be part of Anonymous allegedly leaked email log-in details of Swedish government officials.[227] The Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde commented in a blog post that he was happy to see the website shut down, believing his successors have done nothing to improve the site,[228] criticising in particular the increased use of advertisements

My personal thoughts on pirate bay is that it is a library that exists in the internet.


please refer

Please await further research and content.




Written by Tniromin

Undergraduate studying Systems and network Engineering.

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